
A walk to Mynydd y Griag that takes you past the Plas yn Rhiw manor house with its ornamental gardens.

Distance: 3 miles (1.5 hours)

Parking: Plas yn Rhiw car park (free)

Coordinates: 52.821539, -4.617919

Postcode: L53 8AA

Although the majority of the walk is relatively easy, it does have a short steep climb. Walking boots are recommended as the walk crosses farmland. If you plan to visit Plas yn Rhiw or the tea room please check opening times: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/wales/plas-yn-rhiw.

Map showing route
  1. Leave the carpark and head uphill passing the lane on the right to Plas yn Rhiw.
  2. You will shortly reach a metal kissing gate on the left. Take this path.
  3. Follow the path across a field and through a wooden gate into the wood opposite.
  4. Shortly after leaving the wood the path turns to the right and ascends steeply. Pause on the climb for a breather and take in the view of Porth Neigwl.
  5. Follow the path as it runs parallel to a dry stone wall.
  6. At the corner of the wall you will reach a junction. Take the path to the right which leads towards a couple of dwellings.
  7. The path passes between the dwellings and then turns left uphill. The path runs between stone walls and continues to climb, passing further dwellings.
  8. The path widens before reaching a lane in Rhiw.
  9. Head right down the lane ignoring a footpath sign on the left.
  10. Where the lane bends right, continue ahead towards white cottages. The path passes to the right of these. The path becomes a little difficult to follow.
  11. The path runs alongside a wall on your right.
  12. Shortly before reaching a small wood, take the style over the wall into the field.
  13. Skirt around the wood and into another field. Head towards the opposite corner of this field to a style.
  14. Continue in the same general direction across the next field to further style.
  15. Follow the left edge of this field and through a gap into a final field.
  16. Look for a footpath sign and steps in the stone wall opposite leading to a lane.
  17. Head right following the lane as it descends towards Plas yn Rhiw.
  18. Stop at Plas yn Rhiw to visit the house or tea room before continuing along the lane to a junction then left to return to the carpark.
Looking back to Mynydd y Graig
Looking back towards Mynydd y Graig